[블랙 메사] 최종 베타 공개
시작과 끝
시작과 끝이 있는 "블랙 메사"의 퍼블릭 베타가 출시되었습니다. 알려진 이슈들 확인해보시고 게임을 즐겨보세요! 다시 한번 그 동안 피드백에 도움을 준 커뮤니티 회원분들에게 감사드립니다.
베타 적용법
-라이브러리에서 "블랙 메사"를 우클릭 후 "속성" 선택
-탭에서 "베타" 선택후 "퍼블릭 베타" 선택 (코드 필요 없음)
*젠 챕터 전까진 정식버전으로 플레이 하고
젠 챕터부턴 베타버전으로 하는걸 추천함
베타 릴리즈 노트
-Added Interloper C, Interloper C1, Interloper D, Nihilath boss battle, Endgame
-Changed grenade aim point to be center screen for easier aiming
-Fixed sprint animation playing while swimming
-Fixed shotgun misfire after reloading
-Fixed RPG unguided mode in Earth levels
-Fixed having to press “shift” after each level load with “Always Run” enabled
-Tons of small changes and fixes to the “Xen chapter”
-Fixed Nihilanth intro model
-Fixed most area portals rendering black
-Fixed leaf sounds, and ability of certain objects to fall through them
-Fixed cave long jump in Xen B to be more forgiving
-Fixed houndeye path kill brush in Xen B1
-Key lit bullsquids on bullsquid path
-Minor improvements to art and guidance at end of Xen B1
-Fixed missing sun lens flare in Xen C
-Fixed missing sun lens flare in Xen C1
-Fixed players being able to skip puzzle in Xen C1
-Fixed third plug puzzle so that short cord can not be used in long cords place
-Tons of small changes and fixes to the “Gonarch’s Lair” chapter
-Fixed some lids not blowing off in Gonarch A
-Fixed crashes when player jumps on physics objects (like the rock columns in Gonarch)
-Fixed hard transition from Gonarch A to Gonarch B
-Improved player guidance
-Added red lights to all fumers to better highlight them
-Added “gate” on second ledge before crystal cave so that player can not back track, and soft lock the game
-Increased frame rate in crystal cave
-Improved fire trap
-Put explosive barrels next to each crystal in water cave to better explain gameplay element
-Removed fire from Gonarch final fight
-Lowered Gonarch green fire damage and screen shake
-Tons of small changes and fixes to the already released Interloper maps
-Remove first tentacle that could easily block player path
-Fixed model darkening at start of Interloper A
-Improved player guidance
-Removed phys objects that were on player path
-Small art fixes
-Made long jump path clearer and easier at end of Interloper A
-Better key lighting for player path in Interloper A1
-Fixed most of the water seams in Interloper A1
-Minor art and bug fixes in Interloper B
-Better player guidance in Interloper B
-Fixed players skipping mechanic intro and breaking area portals at start of Interloper B1
-Improved player guidance in Interloper B1
-Minor art and collision fixes to B2
-Interloper B2 no longer fades to black at the end of the level ;)
알려진 이슈들
전체적인 난이도. 특정 구간에서 너무 어렵거나 너무 쉬운 문제를 발견함. 피드백 받아서 해결 예정
퍼포먼스. 최적화 문제 해결중
공장구역 관련. 버그로 길뚫기 같은거 막을 예정
정식 출시를 크리스마스로 하려하나..